Our Counselling Services
Please note: Some concerns that you require help for may not appear here. If that is the case, please contact the office and we will be happy to provide additional information regarding our comprehensive counselling services.
You may benefit from counselling for depression if you:
• Persistently feel sad, guilty or empty
• Struggle with feeling hopeless, helpless, or worthless
• Have lost interest in activities or hobbies that were once pleasurable
• Lack motivation
• Have difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
• Sleep too much or too little
• Overeat or have lost your appetite
• Think about suicide, or have attempted to take your life
• Have aches, pains, cramps, or digestive problems that do not respond to medical treatment
• Frequently experience exhaustion or fatigue
Counselling can help you overcome depression by helping you to:
• Become aware of current or past life experiences which may be triggering your depression so that you can overcome them
• Work through troubled relationships that may be causing your depression
• Challenge and overcome the thoughts and behaviors which perpetuate depression
• Develop a social support network
• Connect to community resources to assist you in becoming a stronger person
• Develop effective strategies to overcome your depressed feelings
• Set realistic and attainable life goals
• Regain a sense of happiness and control in your life
You may benefit from counselling for anxiety if you:
• Are constantly worried, fearful or tense
• Find your anxiety interferes with work, family, or other responsibilities
• Feel overwhelmed by thoughts which you know are irrational
• Avoid everyday situations because they make you feel anxious
• Struggle with muscle tension, aches, or soreness that cannot be explained
• Have trouble falling or staying asleep
• Are unable to relax
• Are often fatigued or tire easily
• Have difficulty concentrating
Counselling can help you overcome your anxiety by helping you to:
• Challenge the negative thinking that sustains your anxiety
• Develop an effective self-care routine to reduce your overall anxiety
• Talk through and resolve current and/or past issues which may be burdening you emotionally
• Learn effective relaxation and self-soothing techniques
• Face your fears and overcome them
• Restore your self-esteem and self-confidence
• Integrate coping strategies to specific environments where you feel most anxious
• Develop a balanced life plan that is sustainable
You may benefit from counselling to assist with anger if you:
• Hold onto your anger for a long time or never get angry
• Find your anger is having a negative impact on your relationship(s) with friends, family, or colleagues
• Become aggressive when angry
• Hurt yourself in anger
• Relive old situations which make you feel angry
• Feel that your anger interferes with living a balanced life
Counselling will assist you in overcoming your difficulties with anger by helping you to:
• Become more aware of the physical signs of your anger and how they are triggered
• Increase your awareness of feelings other than anger
• Change how you feel about situations that trigger your anger by changing the way you think
• Develop strategies to either avoid or overcome situations most likely to trigger your anger
• Learn new tools to manage and control your angry feelings and responses
We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know.
carl rogers

You may have been traumatized if you experienced, witnessed or were confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical safety of self or others and you:
• Have intrusive memories, dreams, or nightmares
• Experience flashbacks (visual or thoughts) of your experience
• Feel upset by things that remind you of the event
• Avoid having thoughts and feelings related to your experience
• Forget some or all of the details of the event
• Have lost interest in your daily activities
• Feel detached
• Have difficulty experiencing emotions or feelings
• Feel like you have no future
• Have difficulty sleeping or feel restless
• Feel increased irritability and/or anger
• Have difficulty concentrating
• Feel on guard for danger
• Feel jumpy or find that you are easily startled
Note: You do not have to experience all of the above symptoms to be considered traumatized by an experience. Some of the situations which typically lead people to be traumatized may include:
• Motor vehicle accidents
• Surviving an assault
• Surviving abuse (including physical, sexual, or emotional abuse)
• Sudden loss
• Severe injury
Counselling can help you overcome your symptoms of trauma and return to normal functioning by helping you to:
• Gain control over your unpleasant memories and/or flashbacks
• Understand that your symptoms are a normal reaction to an abnormal experience
• Feel safe enough to talk about your traumatic experience and the feelings related to it
• Feel in control of your feelings again
• Reconnect and trust people after you have been hurt
• Regain a feeling of safety in your life
• Learn new techniques to gain mastery over your symptoms
Relationship Issues
You may benefit from relationship counselling if you:
• Feel emotionally detachedfrom your partner
• Find it difficult to talk to your partner
• Feel misunderstood in your relationship
• Feel alone despite being in a relationship
• Constantly feel criticized by your partner
• Would describe your relationship as defensive
• Don't feel that your partner listens to you
• No longer feel appreciated by your partner
• Are missing the friendship component in your relationship
• No longer spend time together as a couple
• Find it difficult to reach a compromise with your partner
• Feel that your partner has contempt for you
• Suspect your Spouse/partner is involved in an affair
Counselling can help you overcome your relationship difficulties by helping you to:
• Communicate with your partner more effectively
• Create a culture of love, respect, and support in your relationship
• Foster a stronger emotional connection to your partner
• Create an emotionally safe and trusting climate within your relationship
• Create new rituals of connection in your relationship
• Rediscover your couple friendship
• Express your feelings in a manner that your partner will be receptive to
• Appreciate one another in the relationship
• Confront and overcome the damage caused by emotional and physical affairs
• Establish a climate of each partner taking responsibility for their behavior in the relationship
• Understand and support each others dreams
• Learn new tools to make fighting more constructive
• Become effective at repairing your relationship when things go wrong
Children and Families
Your child or family may benefit from counselling if:
• You are concerned your child is having frequent temper tantrums or misbehaviour
• You are experiencing ongoing conflict with your child without resolution
• Your child is having difficulties performing academically at school
• Your child is experiencing bullying
• You are concerned your child is experiencing difficulties socially or with friendships
• Your child has had a traumatic experience or witnessed one
• Your child has difficulty expressing their feelings or concerns
• You are having difficulty managing your child's behaviour
Your child and/or family can benefit from counselling by:
• Helping your child to openly express to you any feelings they may be struggling with
• Helping you resolve conflict and increase collaboration with your child
• Assisting your child in overcoming emotional obstacles to their academic performance
• Empowering you and your child to learn strategies to deal with bullying
• Assisting your child to overcome social challenges
• Helping your child to learn effective strategies to cope with the emotional impact of trauma
• Assisting you in learning effective parenting strategies to manage your child’s behaviour
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